Friday, December 28, 2007

Just start over!

We have just said "  Merry Christmas" and now we are saying "Happy New Year."  We trust that you will have a blessed 2008 year.  Think backward over the past year for a moment. . . There are many things to be thankful for. . . Right?  Of course, there are some things which we would just as soon forget!  It is wonderful to be a follower of Jesus for many reasons but I am most grateful that He gives us the grace to "start over" in life.

God knows our faults, failures, weaknesses, and sin, yet He doesn't hold those against us when we know Christ as Savior.  Genesis 6:5-8 tells us that God saw man's wickedness and was sorry that He had ever made man on the earth.  He was grieved  in His heart.  He first said to Himself, "I will just destroy every living thing from the face of the earth!"  But then He saw Noah and graciously started over with his small family of 8 people aboard the ark of salvation.

Aren't we glad that God gave us all a second chance through Noah!  He continues to let us start over when we trust Him through His gracious gift of salvation in His Son, Jesus.

So, don't let the negatives of 2007 hold you back!  Begin again with God's grace and live 2008 for His glory.  Learn from the mistakes of 2007 and trust God to lead you into a growing relationship with Him.  What a blessing!


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